1524-2006: FROM NEW FRANCE TO MODERN QUÉBEC Québec in the world

What is Québec? How come there's this population in north-eastern America that speaks French? Where do they come from? How long have they been there? Why do some of them want to seperate from the canadian federation and have their own country? Is their French the same as France's? If you are interested in finding out the REAL answers to these questions, read on.

Before beginning, I'd like to point out that this site's goal is to offer an objective version of history. Too often, Québec history is used to fuel political propaganda which often results in prejudices and misconceptions. My goal is to offer you an honest portrait of what Québec was so that you may understand better what it is now. All the facts and events that I mention in this site have actually happened and are told from a Québécois perspective. As always, all your comments and questions will be very welcome. English is my second language so if you see a mistake, please correct me.

Québec history

To make your reading or search easier, I have divided Québec history into three chapters. If you wish to know more about the ages preceding the discovery of America, click on "Before Québec". Please note that I have not translated all of these links so many will lead you to a page in French. If you would like to see these translated as well, drop me a mail!

Québec city
Prelude: Before Québec: from Prehistory to the discovery of America (in French)

Chapter One: NEW FRANCE : 1524-1763

Chapter Two: LOWER CANADA: 1763-1867

Chapter Three: PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC : 1867-TODAY

If you wish to know the origins of the names Québec,Canada and Acadie, click on them now.

Click here for links on Québec culture

Bibliography :

BEAUDET, Pierre, LES DESSOUS DE LA TERRASSE À QUÉBEC, Septentrion, Sillery, 1990.

BEAUGRAND-CHAMPAGNE, Paule (editor in chief), UN SIÈCLE À MONTRÉAL, Trécarré, Montréal, 1999.

BURPEE, Lawrence J., AN HISTORICAL ATLAS OF CANADA, Thomas Nelson and Sons Limited, Toronto, 1927.

CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de, DES SAUVAGES - Texte établi, présenté et annoté par Alain Beaulieu et Réal Ouellet, Éditions TYPO, Montréal, 1993.

CLÉMENT, Charles-Henri, LA BELLE AVENTURE DE VILLE-MARIE, Apostolat de la presse, Montréal, 1959.

DOCKSTADER, Frederick J., GREAT NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS - Profiles in Life and Leadership, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1977.

DURNFORD, Hugh, HERITAGE OF CANADA, Canadian Automobile Association and Reader's Digest Association, Canada, 1978.

GERMAIN, Jean-Claude, FEUILLETON DE MONTRÉAL, Stanké, Montréal, 1994.

LACOURSIÈRE, Jacques, IL ÉTAIT UNE FOIS LE QUÉBEC, Nouvel Age/Fayolle, Paris-Québec, 1979.

LACOURSIÈRE, Jacques, ÉPOPÉE EN AMÉRIQUE, Télé-Québec, Montréal, 1997.

LANDRY, Yves, POUR LE CHRIST ET LE ROI, Libre Expression, Montréal, 1992.

LAPIERRE, Laurier L., 1759-LA BATAILLE DU CANADA, Éditions Le Jour, Montréal, 1992.

LA TERREUR, Marc (éditeur), DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN BIOGRAPHY, University of Toronto Press et Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Toronto-Québec, 1972.

LAVERDIÈRE, abbé, CASGRAIN, abbé, JOURNAL DES JÉSUITES publié d'après le manuscrit original conservé aux archives du Séminaire de Québec, Éditions François-Xavier, Montréal, 1973.


LEMIEUX, Louis-Guy, NOUVELLE-FRANCE: LA GRANDE AVENTURE, series of articles published in the pages of Le Soleil, 1997.

LESTER, Normand, LE LIVRE NOIR DU CANADA ANGLAIS, Les Intouchables, Montréal, 2001.

LESTER, Normand, LE LIVRE NOIR DU CANADA ANGLAIS 2, Les Intouchables, Montréal, 2002.

LESTER, Normand, LE LIVRE NOIR DU CANADA ANGLAIS 3, Les Intouchables, Montréal, 2003.

LÉVESQUE, René, ATTENDEZ QUE JE ME RAPPELLE…, Québec/Amérique, Québec, 1988.

LISÉE, Jean-François, DANS L'OEIL DE L'AIGLE, Boréal, Montréal, 1990.

LISÉE, Jean-François, LE TRICHEUR, Boréal, Montréal, 1994.

MARSOLAIS, Claude-V., DESROCHERS, Luc, COMEAU, Robert, HISTOIRE DES MAIRES DE MONTRÉAL, vlb éditeur, Montréal, 1993.



PAULETTE, Claude, LE FLEURDELISÉ, Publications du Québec, Commission de la capitale nationale du Québec, Québec, 1997.

PETRIE, Roy, HENRI BOURASSA, Lidec, Montréal, 1980.

PHILIPPS, Maurice DE DALLAS À MONTRÉAL, Éditions de L'Homme, Montréal, 1996.

PLOURDE, Michel, LE FRANÇAIS AU QUÉBEC: 400 ANS D'HISTOIRE ET DE VIE, Publications du Québec, Fides, Québec, 2000.

PROULX, Gilles, MA PETITE HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE-FRANCE, Publications Proteau, Boucherville, 1992.

PROULX, Gilles, LES GRANDS DÉTOURS DE NOTRE HISTOIRE, Éditions Priorités, Longueuil, 1998.

SCHNOBB, Philippe, FAIRE PART POUR MARIAGES FORCÉS, Lanctôt Éditeur, Montréal, 2001.

SIMARD, Francis, POUR EN FINIR AVEC OCTOBRE, Stanké, Montréal, 1982.

TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott, MÉMOIRES POLITIQUES, Le Jour, Montréal, 1993.

Plan of this site (TABLE OF CONTENTS).

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