In reaction to this crusade, many will say that our language is unique and is in fact a heritage from our ancestors that we should feel proud of. It is not a shame, but the result of our people's history and soul. Jacques Renaud publishes the first novel written entirely in Québécois French in 1964, the title is « Le cassé », but the most reknown and popular writer who still writes in our national tongue is Michel Tremblay. Many of his plays have been translated and shown worldwide.
Today, Québécois French is written, sang and celebrated. On the right is a picture of Robert Charlebois, on of our most reknown singers. But there are still many people who sadly look down upon Québécois French because too "colonial", and prefer using some sort of snobbish «international French» that has no color and no soul... there is still some educating work to be done.